We’re thrilled to share some fantastic news – Anything is Possible has been shortlisted for a prestigious IPA Effectiveness Award. A place on the coveted shortlist – for the most rigorously-assessed awards in marketing, anywhere in the world – guarantees either a Bronze, Silver or Golden gong.

Marking our very first time on the list, this recognition is a testament to our focus on effectiveness-first media, tech and creative strategies.

As well as our commitment to innovation, client growth – and fun!


Why it matters

The IPA Effectiveness Award isn’t just any accolade. It’s the gold standard in showcasing the transformative impact of our campaigns on our client partners’ business. It’s about demonstrating how our strategies don’t just make noise but drive measurable results.

A place on the shortlist and the award to follow is an honor and a validation of media, marketing and advertising’s ability to change the game and take bold clients to the next level.


Time for fun: The Boundless story

Great, effective campaigns are not possible (which isn’t something we say very often) – without one vital ingredient: great clients.

Boundless collaborated with Anything is Possible to reverse declining memberships by reimagining its brand and media strategy.

The unforgettable Time for Fun campaign focused on engaging public sector workers with creative, bold messaging that re-emphasised the importance of fun, family and regenerative leisure experiences.

Eschewing downbeat pandemic-era clichés, we took a more authentic approach to reaching Britain’s public sector workers, tapping directly into their simple and honest desire for fun and escapism. This up-front approach led to a 33% increase in customer lifetime value and surpassed Boundless’ membership growth objectives.

The comprehensive strategy included TV, radio, digital, and in-school media, tailored to reach public sector workers effectively. Enhanced membership benefits and a refreshed value proposition resulted in a remarkable ROMI of 145.49%. This transformation honored Boundless’ founding principles and 100 years of heritage while adapting to the modern competitive landscape.

The campaign revitalised Boundless’ membership and strengthened the brand’s equity. Time for Fun successfully resonated with the target audience, emphasizing leisure and family time. By leveraging unique media placements and strategic partnerships, Boundless saw significant improvements in engagement, retention, and overall member satisfaction.


Effectiveness: The journey continues

Stay tuned for more updates and news on that Bronze, Silver or Gold win. The announcement will be made at the IPA Effectiveness Awards ceremony and dinner on October 7th – kicking off the IPA’s week long celebration and elevation of media, marketing and advertising effectiveness.

In the meantime, raise a glass to creativity, innovation, effectiveness – and fun!