A study in March of 2020 found that, whilst improving, the gender gap within business postgraduate courses was still a global issue within this sector.

Data from First Twenty (March 2020)
Despite this, women have a bigger boost to their earnings from postgraduate study, earning 28% more than women with only undergraduate degrees – the comparable figure for men is 12%. But women with postgraduate qualifications still earn 14% less on average than men with the same level of qualifications (HEPI).
To help tackle the gender inequality within postgraduate business education, we have been researching potential partners within the industry. We have been looking more specifically at building brand trust and not looking at ad hoc partnerships as prospective students need to be able to fully understand what an institution stands for and how they operate.
One way to combat this is event sponsorship, putting the brand face to face with prospective students. We have been having conversations with Women in Tech & Business Expo, hosted in Excel London, on the 12th – 13th October 2022.
Event background: The UK’s number one business event for women. They combine an inspirational two day conference headlined by Karren Brady, with an exhibition showcasing business products/services and recruitment opportunities. Attracting around 3000 delegates, the event will put a brand in front of a diverse group of women looking for the tools they need to help them progress in their business or career journey. They have a variety of packages ranging from £8k – £20k.
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