The student audience accounts for 19% of all UK Tiktok users (Global Web Index), with 26% aged 18-24 (TikTok).
This audience is incredibly active within the platform. So whether your university has an official account or not, students and prospective students are talking about you.

Hashtags within the app showcase some insight into the popularity of university and the student world:

The story of TikTok is one of rapid growth and short time frames.
Posts and conversations range from new students posting about freshers week, students holding a live video study session in the library, alumni reminiscing, or prospective students looking to build a community. There are multiple parallel conversations you should be part of.
Tiktok has a great ongoing initiative, encouraging you to make TikToks, not ads. It’s how you build an authentic connection with your audience and talk to them on their level. This is so important as this generation has been raised on and around advertising. They can spot a sell a mile off. So cutting through the noise, and interacting with them directly is essential.